Holiday Blues

Well it has been a while, hasn’t it? Apologies to all regular blog readers for my complete lack of posts (I can’t promise it’s going to get that much better in the build up to Christmas either – sorry). However I shall do my best to keep at it, for as Molly is prone to telling us “‘every little helps’ said the old lady as she piddled in the sea”. I am unsure if she is speaking from experience or not…

It is only going to be a short one this week as well so don’t get your hopes up. This is partly as an attempt to get you used to my sporadic posts again, but it’s mostly because I’m sulking now that my holidays are over. I had planned to write a bit each day so there would be plenty of build up, but I didn’t (because HOLIDAY) so we’re going to have to work with what we’ve got.

Firstly, I would like to address that face that coming back off holidays is hard. It may seem a rather obvious point, but just because it’s obvious doesn’t mean it’s not a painful reality. We’ve only been away for 3 full days, but already it’s like I’ve committed myself to the freedom of not having to go to work, of waking up to the most beautiful views, of just spending time with TMM and being generally contented. Being rudely thrust back into the swing of it all is not what I am here for.

Having to say goodbye to our beautiful little cottage; with its log fire, scenic vistas of the Welsh countryside and complete lack of any kind of negative responsibility was just the worst. The home trip, no matter what you’ve got to look froward to when you get back, is always just a little bit sad. Nothing packs as neatly as it did on the outbound journey, everyone’s a bit quiet and sulky and I swear the weather is always shit the closer to home you get – don’t we all love a bit of pathetic fallacy.

We’ve really only been away for 3 full days, which is barely anything in the long term, but is apparently more than enough time to make me realise that the only way I’ll ever be truly happy is to live in a cottage in Wales, making craft all day and waking up to views like this.

Look at it for God’sake!

It is clear that I was supposed to be a lady of leisure; sewing all day and having hysterics everywhere, and if it wasn’t for the lack of central heating, WiFi and fundamental women’s rights, I’d think I was stuck in the wrong century.

Still home we now are and I have to make the best of it (read – spend all my free time looking at houses for sale that I can’t afford in Hay on Wye and daydreaming about the independent little craft shop I would open there). Whilst there I completed 1 and a half Christmas presents and came up with an idea for one more, which is never something to be sneezed at (standby for my customary Christmas!Panic!Hate post that will make its way to a computer screen to you soon). We bought 3 books (as has to be done, seeing as it is the Book Capital of the World) and TMM finished 2.5 of his “to read” pile on top of that, and said that for the first time he can remember his back nearly didn’t hurt (which is a miracle in and of itself).

It’s easy to be sad as I have found over these past couple of weeks, and I could easily just dwell in my sulkiness like a sad little mud troll, but that won’t help anybody. So instead, I am going to try and be positive. My batteries are re-charged, I start at my new counselling tomorrow and as TMM very sagely pointed out it will be the weekend before I know it. I might not be on holiday in the cottage of my dreams anymore, but it could always be worse…